
El candidato (o candidata)

Marc Villanueva Mir

El candidato (o candidata) is a second stage of development of the project El candidato. The rare strategy board game known in French as djambi, which seemed to have first appeared in Paris during the May 1968, is retrieved as a stage for political dispute, now in three simultaneous boards by three groups of players. Big screw heads are arranged on top of boards made of paving stones and manhole covers, and become militants, candidates, journalists and murderers. These figures are engaged, in the hands of the players, in a merciless fight over power.

Spectators become players and political representatives, as well as part of an immersive apparatus where sound, video and lighting react directly according to their choices, and which produces a tense atmosphere that amplifies the conflict. El candidato (o candidata) uses a game as a reflection on the mechanisms of power production and perpetuation.

This performance was granted the Audience Award at the Fast Forward Festival 2022 in Dresden.

“The game scalates incredibly fast: we hold political speeches, whisper to each other between move and move, giggle about our strategic thoughts. It feels as if our whole mistrust and disappointment about all the wrongs of human societies could be all of a sudden emotionally expressed in a muddled way: through our embodiment of the role of politicians in the utmost cynical and dark way.”
Sebastian Köhte, “Mach auch kaputt, was dich nicht kaputt macht”, Theater der Dinge - Festival-Blog

With Marc Villanueva Mir and Gerard Valverde Ros
Concept and performance Marc Villanueva Mir
Sound design Gerard Valverde Ros
Electronics and video design Marc Villanueva Mir
Board construction Marc Villanueva Mir and EGM
Artistic advisory Alán Carrasco and Mònica Almirall
Production Viola Sprengel
Photography Sílvia Poch

With special thanks to Estanis Aboal, Dominique Doguet, Carlos Franke, Li Lorian, Thomas Meckel, Carme Mir, Hèctor Mora Campón, Verónica Navas, Xavier Le Roy, Xesca Salvà, Nora Schneider, Bernhard Siebert, Gerald Siegmund, Ricard Villanueva

Coproduction of Festival TNT - Terrassa Noves Tendències, Teatre Lliure, Theater neben dem Turm, Hessische Theaterakademie and Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft, with the collaboration of Giessener Hochschulgesellschaft


Gerard Valverde Ros

Previous dates

Barcelona | Fundació Joan Brossa
12.-14.12.24 18h/ 21h
15.12.24 12:30h

Barcelona | Santa Mònica
08.11.24 17h/ 19h

Figueres | Això al poble no li agradarà
02.06.24 11h/ 19h

Dresden | Fast Forward Festival
11.11.22 18h/ 21h
12.11.22 14h/ 20h
13.11.22 14h/ 18h

Barcelona | Institut del Teatre
13.10.20 12:45h

Marburg | Theater neben dem Turm
13.03.20 18h/ 22h

Barcelona | Teatre Lliure
24.01.20 18h/ 21h
25.01.20 18h/ 21h