Our plants die
Xesca Salvà & Marc Villanueva Mir

What we see and what we don’t see is a political question. For it usually becomes what we listen to and what we don’t listen to, what we care for and what we care for not. Our plants die is a walk that invites us to listen to and look at the landscape as a garden full of aliens, of living forms that have come from the most remote edges of space.
Our plants die is a sound movie that invites us to assume the perspective of the first botanists that arrived in Abya Yala with Columbus expeditions, whose experience we can only imagine by way of wearing the eyeglasses of science fiction. From the initial wonder as they encountered completely unknown plants to the global transportation of exotic plants, from biopiracy and the looting of seeds to the elaboration of catalogues of alien species, botanics and colonialism have always been tied together as a hallucination, an alteration of reality that we would you to unfold with us.
Performers Francesca Piñón, Laura Renau, Josefina Rozenwasser, Xesca Salvà, Marc Villanueva Mir
Space design Xesca Salvà
Light design Marc Lleixà (A.A.I.)
Sound Josefina Rozenwasser
Original music Aurora Bauzà and Pere Jou
Props construction Jorba-Miró Estudi-Taller d’Escenografia
Production Helena Febrés
Photography Sílvia Poch
Trailer FRAU recerques visuals
In dialogue with the biologists and gardeners Teresa Garnatje, Neus Ibáñez, Jordi López, Núria Abellán, Miquel Veny
And specially in conversation with Robert Llimós
With special thanks to Museu de Ciències Naturals
Coproduced by Teatre Lliure, Xesca Salvà & Marc Villanueva Mir, with the collaboration of Institut Botànic de Barcelona, in the frame of Viu Montjuïc, el Parc de la Cultura and Biennal de pensament.
Previous dates
Cambrils | Festival Partides
28.09.24 17h
Tàrrega | Fira Tàrrega
06.-07.09.24 20h
Barcelona | Teatre Lliure
08.-23.10.22 18:30h
Previous dates
Cambrils | Festival Partides
28.09.24 17h
Tàrrega | Fira Tàrrega
06.-07.09.24 20h
Barcelona | Teatre Lliure
08.-23.10.22 18:30h