World of Wolves

Nuria Legarda

World of Wolves is a video piece, influenced by a selection of texts by William Shakespeare. It takes place in an office at the time of our recent global financial crisis, though its fashion is more of a throwback to 1960’s America - the golden age of advertising - thereby establishing a clash between these two historical moments in capitalism.

A video piece stemming from a theatrical conception and using the coexistence of different dramatic languages - text, movement and audiovisual - seeking both form and content to be synchronically and dialectically complementary, strengthening and expanding each other.

Creation and direction Nuria Legarda
Dramaturgy Albert Boronat, Nuria Legarda, Marc Villanueva Mir
Text and adaptation Albert Boronat
With Cristina Genebat, Nora Navas, Leo Castro, Jordi Rico, Andrew Tarbet, Nuria Legarda
Director of photography Pol Camprubí
Photography assistant Toni Vidal
Video editing Pep Guifreu, Nuria Legarda
Sound design Ramon Ciércoles
Costumes Mireia Farré
Make-up Mari Jo
Hairdressing and make-up assistant Paula Ayuso
Production La Brutal
Photography Felipe Mena
Acknowledgements Carme Canela, Mari Jo, Laia R. San Juan, Laia Montanyès

With the support of Sala Beckett/ Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia
