Paramecia and Meteorites

Xesca Salvà & Marc Villanueva Mir

What is life? We took this question as a starting point and turned our gaze to the microscope, and to the sense of wonder that arises from the diversity and complexity of the smallest life forms that surround and inhabit us. At the core of our work lie the inspiring theories of the North American biologist Lynn Margulis, who thought of the Earth as a massive network of codependencies, and who described evolution as a process where symbiosis and cooperation prevail over competition. Halfway between an installation and an immersive performance, Paramecia and Meteorites invites us to enter an unstable theatrical cosmos, where the notions of life, genetics, gender or eroticism mingle with the collective experience of wandering through and letting grow several differently scaled landscapes.

This work has been developed with the collaboration of and in dialogue with a group of local biologists. The working process involved a 5-days workshop with a group of biologists of 50 to 70 years old: a space for the dialogue and the exchange with women that interested themselves for topics close to Margulis’ ones, and who may have experienced similar circumstances and difficulties.

By and with Xesca Salvà & Marc Villanueva Mir
Performers Marina Mulet, Laura Renau, Xesca Salvà, Marc Villanueva Mir
Concert Anatomia Humana Desmontable
Biologists Montserrat Garcia Caldés, Isabel López, Carmen Mediano
Sound composition Gerard Valverde
Lights design Ana Rovira
Production Helena Febrés
Trailer FRAU recerques visuals
And the fruitful dialogue with the biologists Cristina Junyent, Teresa Pastor, Montse Bayés, Montse Vallmitjana and Mercè Piqueras
With special thanks to Lynn Margulis, Ricard Guerrero, John Feldman, Rubén Duro and Nanna Neudeck

Coprodution of Festival TNT with the support of the Culture Ministerium of the Catalan Government, ICUB, the Council of Barcelona, Es Baluard, Teatre Lliure and Konvent.0

This project has been granted a Premis Barcelona 2020 scholarship by the Council of Barcelona.


Previous dates

Maria de la Salut | Eima Festival
03.08.2022 20h

Olot | Festival Sismògraf
08.04.2021 22h
09.04.2022 21h

Barcelona | Teatre Lliure
02.04.2022 20h
03.04.2022 18h

Berlin | Theater der Dinge
07.11.2021 16h/ 18h
08.11.2021 18h
09.11.2021 18h/ 20h
10.11.2021 18h/ 20h

Terrassa | Festival TNT
02.10.2021 16h/ 20:30h
03.10.2021 11h