Workshop World of Wolves #0.1
Nuria Legarda

The workshop World of Wolves #0.1 is an artistic research project led by Nuria Legarda, which explores the idea of identity as a social construction through the use of an interdisciplinary language. In July 2017, this practical one-week-workshop could be developed in El Graner in the framework of the Festival Grec (Barcelona) as a first phase of an upcoming work.
Starting out with the Foucaultian concept of the technologies of the self and with queer and feminist philosophers such as Judith Butler, Paul B. Preciado or Monique Wittig, the work questions the concepts of identity and subjectivity within a capitalist system that rules upon our understanding and that forces us to be part of a cobweb of domination and exclusion mechanisms. The neverending fall of the archetype of the feminine is perfectly expressed in Shakespeare’s image of the death of Ophelia, which becomes nowadays a metaphor for the precarious lifes Butler refers to, those not represented by the structures of power and belonging to the group of the “no subjects”. Privilege and non-privilege, bond to gender, origins and class, are inquired through a mixture of biographical texts, Shakespeare’s excerpts, movement and melting ice.
Must nothing be
Mark me how
I will undo myself
Richard II
Creation and direction Nuria Legarda
Dramaturgy Marc Villanueva Mir
With Rubèn Ametllé, Rosabel Huguet, Pedro Mas
Set design Elise Vigneron
Sound design Ramon Ciércoles, Sam Gillett
Light design Carles Rigual
Video Toni Vidal
Costumes Helena Lucas
Photography Felipe Mena
Artistic producer Montse Prat
Production La Brutal
Executive producer Judit Ferrer Ribas
Acknowledgements Mireia Farré
With the support of Festival Grec and Graner